About Jess Dempsey

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So far Jess Dempsey has created 1129 blog entries.

Officeworks lending a hand

Next year is a big year for me, my job title will change, my day-to day routine as I know it will change and new friends will be made. Next year, I will become, wait for it...a school mum! My little baby-no-more Aston, my first born, will start grade prep [...]

2016-09-13T19:17:51+10:00September 13, 2016|

Dear New Mama

Dear New Mama, It’s OK to cry. It’s OK to cry because you are learning to love someone new and its OK to cry because you love them so much. It’s OK to cry when your newborn is crying, no one expects you to know your baby and what it [...]

2019-04-24T11:12:04+10:00September 12, 2016|

Shirts always

It is Fri-yay so I am keeping this one short and sharp yet oh-so-chic it will leave you with a new vision of wearing a shirt. As you know, I love shirts, I say it every week, they are so easy to wear, they make you feel a little more dressed [...]

2016-09-09T19:52:04+10:00September 9, 2016|

High Street Armadale and Me

You might already have worked out from my Instagram account that I live in Armadale. This is the suburb I have called home for the last 8 years, it is where my husband and I spent our early married years enjoying our time together, hanging at the local cafes on [...]

2016-09-05T20:37:50+10:00September 6, 2016|

VFNO with Collins Place and Rokk Ebony

Hey guys, happy fashion week here in Melbourne! Today is the first day of spring and even before this day arrived, it felt like spring thanks to Melbourne Spring Fashion Week and Vogue American Express Fashion's Night Out last week. If you follow my instagram and snapchat, you would have [...]

2016-09-01T11:46:36+10:00September 1, 2016|

Fashion in Melbourne

Well, it is Melbourne Spring Fashion Week again, which essentially means to the Melbourne girl that it is the beginning of event season on our calendar and the events from now on won't stop until March next year! This will be my 6th year attending MSFW, I remember my first [...]

2016-08-30T21:51:57+10:00August 30, 2016|

Loving a second child

Loving a second child I want to tell you about loving a second child. After having Aston, we knew we wanted to have a lot more kids and after he was 18 months we were ready to start trying again. The decision to start trying for number two was an [...]

2019-04-24T11:12:18+10:00August 29, 2016|
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