*All the Lavazza Marquee Melbourne Cup Day 2014 images are copyright and were taken by KAREN WOO for What would Karl do, please contact me for permission to use these images. jess@whatwouldkarldo.com
Where da party at? Caffe Lavazza, that’s where! Lavazza hosted Multi Grammy award winner Erykah Badu and Ty Wood in their exclusive Birdcage Marquee on Melbourne Cup Day. Badu, had the Lavazza guest in awe as she sang in her soulful voice and entertained, later taking to the stage and dancing with the crowd. As I sipped on my cappuccino in one hand and prosciutto in the other, I was distracted by the immaculate fashion that graced the marquee with Nicole Warne taking first place in her Dolce and Gabbana top-to-toe ensemble.
I think the images above speak for themselves do you?
*All the Lavazza Marquee Melbourne Cup Day 2014 images are copyright and were taken by KAREN WOO for What would Karl do, please contact me for permission to use these images. jess@whatwouldkarldo.com
Looks amazing! Love all the gorgeous head wear!