WWKD 2012 detail recap

Just some detail highlights from last year that I thought I would reflect on. Oh, I loved being creative with my hair and I stopped later in the year, must add to my resolution list xo

2013-01-01T20:29:10+10:00January 1, 2013|

NYE the annual photo

Wishing you a fabulously fashionable New Year! This photo was the first NYE pic I ever posted on my blog in 2010 and is my fav outfit to date! See you in 2013 xo

2012-12-31T14:56:47+10:00December 31, 2012|

Toy soldier

I am slightly obsessed with anything novelty iconic London. I might have gone a little crazy in the nursery with this theme but with the rest of the house all Paris-fied, well, I didn't want to clash. Fingers crossed I will be back in London in 2013 so I can [...]

2012-12-29T19:32:01+10:00December 29, 2012|

Because of Christmas day

And so it was Christmas! What a special morning we had with our little man, not quite knowing why he had new toys but loving it nether the less. Our beautiful day continued with visits to both sides of the family, starting at my husbands sisters house for a Thai [...]

2019-03-20T13:13:21+10:00December 26, 2012|


M E R R Y  C H R I S T M A S to my beautiful followers, I am so grateful for your loyal support and interest in my fashion. I am so blessed in many ways and as much as I love the things that hang in my [...]

2012-12-24T20:52:51+10:00December 24, 2012|


The count down to Christmas is on and I have almost finished my shopping. Such an expensive time of year and with all the shopping I have been doing, it has exposed me to impulse buy things that I would not have known about had I not gone shopping in [...]

2012-12-21T11:23:22+10:00December 21, 2012|

Art meets Fashion

You might not know this about me but I am a lover of Art. Though high school (12 years ago now!) I studied art and excelled in my illustration and mixed media pieces. Now, I don't have time to create, however I am at a stage in my life where [...]

2012-12-18T07:36:16+10:00December 18, 2012|
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