
FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Sometimes I like to push my own boundaries and this outfit is a pure example of this. First, I totally clashed two crazy prints together that probably might not work but if you rock it with confidence, anything works. Second of all, I got my gut [...]

2012-10-10T10:23:22+10:00August 24, 2012|

What Would Karl Do?

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Apologies for being absent for a few days but golly have I been busy! However I come baring good news, I am looking at getting the What Would Karl Do? t-shirts made. This has been a long time coming and finally I have taken the first [...]

2012-10-10T10:24:36+10:00August 20, 2012|

BTS Spring cover for Makeup With Me

The wrap photo with Emma the photographer, myself and Mel from Makeup With Me. Please note Andrea the other half to MUWM in the image above this one. Sometimes good opportunities come your way and for me, this is another to add to my credentials. My gorgeous gal pals at [...]

2012-08-14T20:50:11+10:00August 15, 2012|

Colour me Melbourne

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Aaaah Melbourne, the place to be when all you want to wear is black or grey. To be honest most days (like right this second) I wear my black compression gym pants, black oversized t-shirt, black with a hint of grey hoddie and my black puffer [...]

2012-08-13T15:06:08+10:00August 13, 2012|

In the bank

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Sometimes you get real lucky and during your time 'surfing' the net (or in other words trying not to find something you like to buy online) you stumble across a wonderful new online store, yay!!! I all over the sports luxe look at the moment and [...]

2012-08-09T21:40:25+10:00August 9, 2012|

V is for…

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Ohhh I had my screening interview for the Face of Caulfield just now, decked out in my Aqua Couture orange skirt and a gorgeous Karen Hamilton head piece. I will keep you posted on my progress. On another note, I attended one of our good friends [...]

2012-08-06T21:30:30+10:00August 6, 2012|


FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Do you ever get those weeks when you are crazy busy with just stuff? Well, this is one of those weeks for me. Trying to juggle a home, a mess, a blog, a bub and a hub is mayhem but I love it! Yesterday I visited [...]

2012-07-31T20:08:26+10:00July 31, 2012|

White picket fence

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ It's not every day we get the sun shining here during Melbourne's winter, however any chance I can take to get some Vitamin D is worth the chill on my legs. Actually, I am so VD deficient, I haven't been on a sunny holiday since the [...]

2012-07-27T09:08:00+10:00July 27, 2012|
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