ASOS Blogger Style Challenge

Not so long ago I received an exciting email from the ASOS Fashion Finder team asking if I would be interested in taking on a blogger challenge. As a true ASOS fan from way back and with my new obsession with posting my looks on their fresh new Fashion Finder [...]

2015-01-09T19:21:03+10:00July 24, 2012|

Insta- me

This viral addiction that is rapidly spreading has taken over the world! Instagram is our sneak peak into each others lives, loves and joys. Go on! stalk me! xxx

2012-07-24T09:27:48+10:00July 23, 2012|


FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Sometimes it is the one detail of your outfit that is so strong and such a statement that make the other details just a blur. How cool is this dress? It is so unique yet so perfect for the scull love that everyone is manifesting over [...]

2012-07-21T21:37:38+10:00July 21, 2012|

Never be seen

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ I remember when growing up and I was just starting to learn to dress myself I always wanted to wear pink, but when I put on a red jumper with my favourite pink cords my mum would say 'you can't wear red and pink together'. The [...]

2012-07-18T17:54:54+10:00July 18, 2012|

Star like you

Lately I have been experimenting with fashion and different ways of wearing it with the sole intention to cut down my spending and to be a little unique. I went to K-mart yesterday and I saw a high-vis jumper in fluro yellow and thought about deconstructing it into a cropped [...]

2012-07-15T20:40:20+10:00July 15, 2012|

I’m blue

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Much love this week (my b-day week) with a feature in The Weekly Review (see here), a fab eBay Fashion Gallery breakfast (be sure to shop the Fashion Gallery it is amazing!) and a feature on Drop Dead Gorgeous Daily (see here)! Yay, go me! So, [...]

2012-07-12T19:10:44+10:00July 12, 2012|

The shirt

Today is my birthday! I had a wonderful day spent with my beautiful family and my gorgeous baby boy who is growing up so fast! Give me all the handbags and shoes in the world but nothing can compare to the love I have for my child xo Send me [...]

2012-07-08T20:20:31+10:00July 8, 2012|

Good sport

My latest obsession is Sports Luxe! Anything that I can get away with that is sporty, comfy and fashionable, I love. As a mumma and getting out to the shops, the park and lets face it- wiping snot with my sleeve from the little one, I need comfortable fashion. I [...]

2012-07-04T20:30:26+10:00July 4, 2012|
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