
Ciao friends, I have some exciting things happening at the moment with ASOS that I will share with you in the coming weeks and my 29th birthday is next weekend- eeeeek!!! Not much else to say but hello to my new followers/readers! xoxox FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Dress: Mossman Wind [...]

2012-07-01T14:20:15+10:00July 1, 2012|

The grouch

Channeling a little Anna Dello Russo, when I first saw this cat ear headband on ASOS I wasn't too sure when I would wear it but it was so cute I had to 'add to cart'. So this is what I came up with, styled with this faux fur multi [...]

2012-06-27T15:47:32+10:00June 27, 2012|


I really wanted to purchase one of the Burberry hats from Spring Summer 12 with the pom poms on them but they sold out completely here in Australia, so I did some googling and I found this beanie on ebay instead. Just goes to show if you want a piece from [...]

2012-06-25T19:54:02+10:00June 25, 2012|

She got spots

Friday on my mind! Yay for the weekend! I bought this Scanlan and Theodore top for MBFWA and the purchase was made because I knew it would be a piece that would live in my wardrobe for years to come. Leopard and fur always sticks around fashion and mixed with [...]

2012-06-22T13:14:18+10:00June 22, 2012|

All yellow

FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Hope your Monday is as bright as this yellow Whistles top (buy here) Skirt: Topshop  (buy here), Shoes: Georgina Goodman (similar here) Stockings: Ambra fleecy inside! Rings: ASOS (buy here) Watch: Chanel Photographer: Lisa Frieling (visit her blog)

2012-06-18T16:07:52+10:00June 18, 2012|

Vintage Challenge

Not too long ago I called up my dear friend Cecylia Kee, in my eyes the most creative vintage queen I know! As you would know, I don't wear nor own any vintage pieces (excluding designer vintage) I have no idea how to, or where to even begin with vintage: [...]

2012-06-15T08:24:17+10:00June 14, 2012|


It is winter here in Australia and it is faaaareeezing! hope you are staying warm in a chunky knit!! xoxox FOLLOW ME ON BLOGLOVIN’ Knit: Masonette Label, stockings: Ambra, Beanie: Asos Photographer: Lisa Frieling (visit her blog)

2012-06-13T11:05:17+10:00June 13, 2012|

Before Karl was Karl

We often forget that the current king of fashion himself, Karl Lagerfeld is and was more then just CHANEL. The OTT multitasker keeps his Karl Lagerfeld label alive and continues to re-invent it with the collection released earlier this year that created a frenzy on the Net-a-porter scene. He is [...]

2012-06-05T20:12:16+10:00June 5, 2012|
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