Big bang!

In 2011/2012 we have seen an explosion of colour, bold and solid, power prints mixed with florals and the like, but taking cues from abroad (as we should) it's time to move forward from this kelidescope and say hello to the next big fashion thing. Think: watercolours, pastels in prints, [...]

2012-05-18T07:56:39+10:00May 18, 2012|


Rocking the black and white is so easy and so strong. Opaque stocking make my mumma legs look a lot skinnier than what they are and finishing off with the black platform YSL's elongates them. You know I love my t-shirts and for those that are newbies to you [...]

2012-05-11T13:23:30+10:00May 11, 2012|

In my court

So MBFWA has come and gone and now it's back to reality. Not a whole lot to say, I am still settling in at home after a whirl wind trip to Sydney. Who likes my Jeffrey Campbell shoes? Shirt and shorts: ASOS Photographer: Lisa Frieling (visit her blog) Make-Up: Melissa [...]

2012-05-07T15:04:09+10:00May 7, 2012|


So goss at the moment is that I am planning my outfits for MBFWA and I am finding it a lot harder then I thought I would. I have the new Samsonite B'Lite FRESH suitcase in Raspberry which is ultra light so I can pack more than I should but [...]

2012-04-27T20:11:52+10:00April 27, 2012|

Make a Wish

Follow me on BLOGLOVIN' Not much to say just how much I love my pretty Wish dress! Bring on winter party season I am a sucker for a long sleeve mini xox Dress: Wish (Buy here) Necklace: Glorious Occasion in Armadale Victoria, Shoes: Zara Photographer: Lisa Frieling (visit her blog) [...]

2012-04-24T20:03:43+10:00April 25, 2012|

Bared love x

You know when you walk passed a boutique window and you have absolutely no intentions of making a purchase on that walk, you are on a mission to go pick up a coffee but one certain product (or shoe in my case) makes you stop, makes you walk in and [...]

2013-05-27T10:23:17+10:00April 23, 2012|

Logies 2012

I wanted to share with you how fortunate I am to be able to do what I love doing (styling and playing with pretty clothes) but to be able to work with some beautiful talent is definitely a highlight of my career so far. This year I had three clients [...]

2019-03-20T14:16:30+10:00April 17, 2012|

She’s got Acne

T-shirt sleeve, T-shirt sleeve, T-SHIRT SLEEVE! Is the most flattering style top for me and when I saw this blouse at Acne I knew it was mine! Knowing what style, shapes, fit and colour clothing suits you makes it so easy when shopping and I always have my eye out [...]

2012-04-13T19:38:49+10:00April 13, 2012|
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