
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Australia is just around the corner and I am currently planning my outfits. Only going for three days so I need three power looks, I am thinking heavy on the accessory front and some wonderful prints to clash with. In the meantime be sure to enter my [...]

2012-04-11T14:01:53+10:00April 11, 2012|

This one’s for you

G I V E  A W A Y  &  D I S C O U N T  C O D E Thanks to our lovely friends at All About Fashion I am GIVING AWAY this Finders Keepers dress (below) to one lucky fashionista (in your size). This dress is valued [...]

2012-04-09T08:49:21+10:00April 8, 2012|

It make me smile

Just sharing some bright colours and smiles for Easter! Blazer: Zara, Skirt: Nasty Gal, Tank: unknown, Shoes: Miu Miu, Fan: ASOS, Gold Ring: Runway Scout, White ring: Store in Paris, Watch: Chanel Photographer: Lisa Frieling (visit her blog) Make-Up: Melissa & Andrea

2012-04-03T21:25:36+10:00April 5, 2012|

The B R I T

R E D   W H I T E    A N D    B L U E Apart from my fixation on all things Paris, I am OBSESSED with London. The style, the stores, the people, Mr Bean, ASOS, Topshop, All Saints, bloggers, the Union Jack, the accent, David [...]

2012-03-30T09:43:08+10:00March 30, 2012|


Well I have been blogging for over 2 years now and what an adventure I have had. You have seen my style grow and change, you have seen me travel to Singapore and Europe, style my clients for events and have a baby. My followers would know what is in [...]

2012-03-25T11:24:25+10:00March 25, 2012|


Just another Autumn day as I prepare from my favourite season- WINTER. I might be ahead of myself with the random hot days we are having but there is nothing better than the winter layers, textures and colours x Shorts: Mossman, Top: Victoria's Secrets, Fur vest: Ebay, Stockings: Topshop, Boots: [...]

2012-03-21T11:44:04+10:00March 21, 2012|

Perry Squared

Usually when someone has the same surname as a high profile person it's usually turned into a common and repeated joke for example 'Oh Jess Dempsey, are you related to Patrick Dempsey? haha" But for the surname Perry here in Australia it is an immediate recognition of fashion and food [...]

2019-03-20T14:18:15+10:00March 20, 2012|

Neon Gal

This is what I wore to the Madison runway @LMFF - Nasty Gal from head to toe, well with an ASOS fan and a Miu Miu necklace. This was a last minute put together as I only just received the order that morning and voila! Neon dress, blue skirt and [...]

2012-03-18T15:18:31+10:00March 18, 2012|
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