I heart Shoe (sales.com.au)

G I V E   A W A Y   T I M E! Because I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new Miley platform statement stunners from Shoesales.com.au  I am giving one lucky WWKD follower a $100 gift voucher to spend at SHOESALES.COM.AU so you can purchase your own pair of [...]

2012-03-15T14:53:20+10:00February 9, 2012|

Shine a little

Oh it is great to be back blogging, styling and putting my outfits together (and they fit!!!) I have a special giveaway in the next post to come so stay tuned friends, someone is gonna win some amazing shoes. On a side note be sure to come along to LMFF [...]

2012-03-15T14:53:49+10:00February 3, 2012|

Launched for 2012

So anyways, what was I saying??? oh yeah my blog... well its new and improved and so two thousand and twelve! (thanks to Juncture Creative) Just a little face lift over the holidays for the ol' blog and here we are with my first outfit post for 2012. Apologies for [...]

2012-10-21T19:36:46+10:00January 31, 2012|

One name… A N N A

Today I received an early C H R I S T M A S present from my gorgeous friend (that I am sure you all know) Lee Oliveira. Lee knows that I am a huge A D R fan (and have considered re-naming this blog to whatwouldAnnado!) and on his [...]

2012-03-15T14:54:41+10:00December 23, 2011|

Who me?

Oh! its nearly Christmas! What a special time of the year it is to spend with your loved ones. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2012. Stay tuned to WWKD as you will see some great changes happen in the New Year! xxx Steal Banksy info HERE Location: The [...]

2012-01-26T15:44:16+10:00December 21, 2011|

Play it casual

When stealing the Banksy why not just play it cool, put on your casuals and no one will suspect a thing! Will you be the Banksy thief? More info HERE Location: The Olsen Hotel, Poolside Thanks to J-Dawg for the Photography @j-dawgworld.com THIS LOOK IS CALLED: Playing it Cool by the Pool [...]

2012-01-26T15:54:08+10:00December 18, 2011|

Steal Banksy- Stay the night/Steal the Art

This Banksy art piece No Ball Games could be hanging nicely on your lounge room wall, it could be all yours! All you need to do is STAY at one of the Art Series Hotels,  put your sneakers on for sneaking and prowl the hallways of the hotel and STEAL the [...]

2011-12-15T17:54:30+10:00December 15, 2011|

TOPSHOP Melbourne Launch

Georgie and I I am wearing Tiara, Dress and skirt from Topshop... just so you know I have a current Tiara obsession (thanks for the snap Irish x) Jesse and Joshua Irish and Micah TOPSHOP team So here we are in late 2011 and little old Melbourne Australia opens it's [...]

2011-12-09T16:03:42+10:00December 8, 2011|
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