Sequins Please

Hi Friends! How is your 2011 going? let me guess... you are so busy and now you are back at work the sun is shining??? Well don't get too down because I can feel 2011 is going to be an amazing year! This outfit I was so excited to wear. [...]

2011-01-07T11:03:10+10:00January 7, 2011|

Shoulder Power!

Happy holidays! I hope you are having a fantastic New Year so far! I am, as I am relaxing on my holidays not a worry in the world! I nearly have 200 followers!!! WOW! follow me and help me reach the 200 mark! I always get so excited when I [...]

2011-01-01T19:45:03+10:00January 4, 2011|

It’s an Asos New Year!

Wishing my beautiful followers/readers a fabulous New Year! Thank you so much for your support in 2010, if it wasn't for you checking in every so often, my blog wouldn't be what it is today! Thanks a million and I wish you all the success in 2011- make it your [...]

2011-02-12T16:19:50+10:00December 30, 2010|

Lanvin for H&M Haute Couture x

My Lanvin for H&M Haute Couture dress arrived! I was the highest bidder on this one-off one-in-the-world dress with all proceeds going to UNICEF. My favourite feature about this dress is that the shirt underneath is not attached and I can wear it separately. My hair style was inspired by the CHANEL [...]

2010-12-27T10:54:21+10:00December 27, 2010|

Vintage Virgin

So... I am not an avid vintage shopper, however I did dabble in it not long ago for a shoot I was styling. I found this vintage wedding dress and fell in love with it and thought I would have a play with it and show you what I came [...]

2010-12-23T21:49:54+10:00December 23, 2010|

A place called Jeremiah Downs

For my o/s readers, you must be thinking 'Boy, aren't you hot in this outfit seeings it is summer in Australia?" Ha! well it seems mother nature has gone a little coo-coo here in the land of OZ  and has decided to extend our cold temperatures through to our summer [...]

2010-12-20T20:28:14+10:00December 20, 2010|

The Gold Rush

I thought I would introduce you to a photographer who continues to inspire me through his work, the uniqueness and boundaries pushed to portray something so exquisite and so refreshing that will take your fashion trained eyes on a beautiful visual journey. Benjamin Kanarek is his name and we became [...]

2019-03-20T13:21:38+10:00December 18, 2010|

Anything Goes

Recently I was asked the question 'What are your fashion no no's" and to be honest, I could not think of anything to answer with! If you asked me 3 years ago I would have said double denim, socks with open toe shoes and mixing prints and patterns on your [...]

2010-12-16T19:26:06+10:00December 16, 2010|
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