About Jess Dempsey

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So far Jess Dempsey has created 1129 blog entries.

Second time mum

Scene: Hospital Baby Nursery, Time: 4am “Knock, Knock, Knock.” Me: “I’m here to take my baby back.” Cranky Nursery Midwife: ” hmmmmm” looking at me like I am too young to be here (story of my life) Me: “My name is Jess Dempsey, my baby is here, the midwife brought him in [...]

2016-09-26T15:28:10+10:00September 26, 2016|

Spring Racing Carnival Highlights

I thought I would share with you a little about my love for the Spring Racing Carnival, why I have a dedicated blog category for it and what’s with all the promotion I do for it! I attended my first race day back when I was 17, it was the [...]

2016-09-21T20:40:16+10:00September 21, 2016|

Throwing a 5th bday party

As you would have seen all over my social platforms the other week, we celebrated Aston's 5th birthday. I thought it might be nice to share this with you, a personal post is always fun and to be honest, to give other parents out there some ideas on what they [...]

2016-09-20T12:19:19+10:00September 20, 2016|

Naming your child

You know I love sharing personal stories on my blog, the mix of a fashion outfit and birthing story somehow works here on WWKD circa 2016. My audience (you) have grown with me, most of you are at motherhood stage and the rest are still in the sleep in days [...]

2019-04-24T11:11:21+10:00September 19, 2016|

Video: how-to Spring Racing Carnival makeup look

Sometimes, we forget that dressing for the Spring Racing Carnival also includes the beauty side of things. Polished nails, manicured toes, a glowing tan, sleek hair and of course a beautiful face. For something a little different, I teamed up with Miss Aimmey to create a fresh, long lasting and [...]

2019-04-24T11:11:38+10:00September 17, 2016|

Easy Banana Bread Recipe

I am starting to embrace this baker mum thing, it started with experimenting with cookie making, I took the kids to the shops to purchase a cookie cutter each, we picked up the ingredients and arrived home to bake them. Let’s just say that the dog shape Aston chose ended [...]

2019-03-19T13:50:19+10:00September 16, 2016|

Bell sleeve feels

  Not much to say tonight guys, lets just stick to this cute outfit and call it a night. Promise I will have more to say on Friday's post xo

2016-09-14T21:48:43+10:00September 14, 2016|
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