I heard something really good at church today which I really appreciated. The Pastor used instagram as his example to talk about how people, like super heroes, wear a mask to give themselves a shield to hide the true them. On instagram, we take a photo, a reasonable photo but not a really good one of ourselves, so, we filter it. We can brighten, contrast, take away shadows and give ourselves a visually better version of us, but, it isn’t really us and it so easily can hide or mask what is really going on, on the other side of the smart phone. It is an image perceived by others that looks amazing but under all those filters is who we really are and we should really be happy with that, work on ourselves, be true to ourselves and don’t let that great big world of whatever it is you are in, fashion in my case, detach you from who you really are. Sometimes, we (me included) can get caught up onย what other people are doing, compare our own success or material things to what others have andย  we forget to stop and check in with ourselves and the bigger picture. Hmmm I thought this was really good and a great way to kick off our week.