I am going to introduce you to a game changer right now, so listen up, this is going to change
your shopping habits as you know it.

Here is the scenario: you are at the cash register ready to pay for that fabulous outfit you spent too long trying on and staring in the mirror, you are fumbling through your handbag and you just can’t find your wallet. Been there! Or, you head out for your morning coffee run and you empty out that heavy stack of silver coins from your gym pants. Agh!

Now, picture this: you never have to carry your wallet or cash to pay for your purchases again. Isn’t it a fact that the only thing you can always find immediately is your phone? it’s always in your hand, so why not pay with it?

Boom! There it is, the game changer.

Introducing Cash by Optus™ – letting you pay with your phone!

I teamed up with Optus and its new app Cash by Optus™  to give the-shopping-without-my-wallet a try and see for myself and report back to you on what I thought of it. The challenge (well, shopping is never a challenge for me) was to take an android phone out shopping with me and purchase 4 gifts for family and friends to a total value of $150, using the app.

The verdict? Addicted!

Each store I went to, the staff were amazed every time I whipped out my phone and ‘pay waved’ it (back side of phone where camera is) on their eftpos/pay wave machine just like a credit card. Also, with each spend, I could keep a tab on my spending’s as there is an option to view your hopping history and it constantly shows you how much money is left so you know when to top up.

I am the worst with losing my cards and leaving them in other bags and being caught out at the register. Just think of the thought of only leaving the house with your phone and your house keys!

I was able to purchase my four gifts, Happy feet socks for my husband from Bared footwearLola Berry cook book for mum from Pilot Fitness, Phillippa’s Christmas pudding for my neighbour and a board game from a toy store, for the whole family for the holidays. Paying was super easy and I kept thinking it would be a great gift idea to put money on someone’s app for them to spend with, instead of just giving cash in a card!

Some info/facts:

You must have an Optus mobile plan
You must download the Cash by Optus™app
Have a Cash by Optus™ sim
Each individual purchase has a limit of $100 (like pay wave)
Stores must accept pay wave for it to work

A max of $500 can be loaded onto the app to spend
It is very user friendly
You can track how much you spend by immediately looking at the history on the app

I am sold!