I must apologise straight up to you, I know so many of you hang out to read Freddies week. Well, I intended to write as soon as I got back from holidays two weeks ago, when he just turned 11months, but the day we arrived home, that night, as I was putting him to sleep, he screamed and screamed. You would have read my earlier post about ‘MOTHERS PERSPECTIVE’ about his crying and how I dealt with it. Well, what I said about it being tough but seeing the light at the end, was a fact, but boy, am I tired. It has been two weeks of no sleep, consistent waking all night and lots of ‘try this and try that’.

It wasn’t until, literally, three days ago, that the little sucker (not Freddie) the bottom left molar, popped out. Seriously? Did I go through this twice before? I don’t remember it being this bad. And even though the whole top of the tooth has cut through, he is still waking up. Remind me to add Bonjela to my shopping list please.

So toothy-toothington has a total of 7 teeth, well, I could be wrong, maybe its 8, but whatever it is, its a lot. I find Freddie to be quite advanced physically still. He has many teeth, he has a very strong body and is so tall, I should really book my maternal health appointment in to get him measured. He is also due in a few weeks for his 12 months immunisations and I swear, I would have forgotten about this, if the health nurse appointment wasn’t coming up. Don’t you love it? Happy first birthday… jab! Poor things.

Speaking of birthdays, I have not planned a thing for this party, I think because we did a huge Baptism and we are moving out in a few months for our renovation, that I will keep it low key. I am thinking a morning at the local park, with sandwiches and cake. I also like that idea so I don’t have to clean up the next day. Now, I should really sort that out soon…

I cant believe he is almost one, I cant believe I was pregnant this time last year, I cant believe still, that he is (maybe) my last baby. Everyone keeps asking me if I will have more and I keep telling them that I just don’t know. I was certain that we were done, but I don’t think I will know what to do with myself when my kids are all at school and I get time to properly work and have some more time to myself. I think I like the thrill of being ‘all over the place’ and busy.

Freddie is drinking from a straw sip cup now- the B-box ones. He eats mostly eggs for breakfast, lunch I make him a tuna sandwich or sushi or pasta and for dinner, he is starting to eat small bits of meat, loves mash potatoes, pasta and not much else so far, oh, he loves broccoli!

This morning I tried some Peanut butter in his mouth and he loved it, I waited for a reaction and I swear he got a little but puffy on the eye but not much or maybe I was anticipating it?

His routine at 11.5 months is (he usually is awake for around 3ish hours):




sleep (usually around 9:30am)







