My toy room doesn’t come with a door to simply close and hide the mess with. My toy room, is renowned to be the messiest room in my house and my toy room is one room I give up on cleaning because, well there is no point.

I decided that enough was enough and firstly, I needed to cull some toys, secondly, I wanted a clean room and some organisation before the baby comes. I wasn’t going to document this on the blog, but I thought that there must be mums like me out there who need to know that there is a way, a way to save your house and your stress levels every time you walk passed that room.

I thought about taking a before photo, of how it was previously organised, but I don’t think it would have translated well in photos. Picture this: vehicles everywhere, lego spread from one corner of the room to the other, train tracks here and there and an assortment of figurines from Paw Patrol through to Ninja Turtles in any spare gap of the floor. My only way to store these toys was in plastic tubs and fabric square boxes, but these tubs and boxes were more often empty than full.

I found this Pottery Barn Storage wall system on their website. They had so many to choose from and I soon decided that the ‘Cameron Creativity Storage’ unit was the one I wanted. I knew I had to invest in something that would save me, look good, fit everything and also fit nicely into our house when we renovate it.

As you can see, I obviously did a massive toy cull, donated a lot to the Salvo’s. I then organised all our kept toys in drawers, baskets or sections so the kids can easily find what they are looking for, learn the art of packing up and have a pleasant to look at toy area in our house. The verdict? So far so good! In fact, the kids are spending more time playing with their toys than they were before and a huge thing was that they have been playing together! Finally!

You can find more storage units HERE


Pick a theme, so I picked Star Wars. I found all the Star Wars figures and books we have around the house and displayed them. I kept colours to a minimum and also balanced the left and right side of the unit. Go through the toys and allocate a basket, drawer or cupboard for those toys, e.g.: All Paw Patrol toys are in one basket, all Ninja Turtles are in another and small lego pieces are in one basket and I place that high up so the kids have to ask me for it (incase we have toddler visitors who tend to put things in their mouths.)