I apologise for the delay on this post, I am swamped. I am swamped with a messy house, work up to my ears, two kids on school holidays and the baby. I couldn’t decide what was worse, school holidays and getting a sleep in but having to break up fights all day and clean up and feed them all day long, or when school is back, get up early, make breakfast, lunch, get them dressed and only have from 9:30am-2:30pm to get stuff done. I decided that school wins and we all need the routine!
One more week of school holidays for us and every day is jam packed. Freddie has been pretty good. He is finally really enjoying his solids and we are doing the Save our Sleep guide for this. I have been making his puree food (apple, pear, sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin) and now that he has it three times a day, it takes up more time which means some other things I would do during those times such as cleaning, emails or making dinner are all being pushed back. I knew our routine would change and continue to change, but it has meant that I am falling behind on things.
I am currently writing a blog post which is taking forever, about how people keep calling me ‘super mum’. I wont go on about it now, as I have written enough about it so far in the soon-to-be-published post, but I can tell you now, a super mum is someone who can do it all AND have time for themselves, this isn’t me.
Freddie is still a very happy, quiet and calm baby and sleeps very well in the day time. I must film how I get him to sleep so you can see it but he is back to being terrible at night. Why does he sleep so soundly from 7pm-12am? Why does he wake every 45 minutes from there after? I have tried it all, everything from patting, more or less blankets, offering milk, putting him on his side, cuddling, putting him in my bed, white noise etc. I was approached by a sleep nurse who has offered her services to come and help me and I have gladly accepted and will see her in the coming weeks. I think you, my reader will benefit from seeing how my experience goes with this as I only work with people or brands that I believe you would be interest in (currently another blog post I am working on, talking about my approach with sponsored posts etc).
I also hired a nanny! Woohoo! She is coming twice a week to help me when I have two kids at home so I can either work from home, go to a meeting, let me have one on one with Will or Freddie and help by being with Freddie, at home, while I do the school pick up and drop off. This is such a big deal for me because I am very hands on with my kids and what goes on in my house. I think also it will give me a little bit of me back, if I don’t have a busy work week (which probably will be never) I could book in a hair appointment or get to a physio or naturopath appointment I have had to cancel a million times.
All up, last week was a relatively normal week for week 21, I cant believe he is five months actually, it was a real reality check if anything last week for me, at how fast time is going.
Well, I better wrap this up. It was Will’s 4th bday today (we had his kinder party before holidays incase his friends were away and couldn’t attend and we had a family lunch on the weekend) and he and Aston have snuck into my bed next to me and are finally asleep. Will does this every night but Aston followed him because he is scared of Robots today and didn’t want to be in his room alone without Will on the bottom bunk.
Freddies routine-
7am bottle (he might wake between 6-7am but I feed him at 7am as he isn’t crying or really wanting milk until then)
8am solids
9am sleep
11am bottle
12pm solids
1pm sleep
3pm bottle
4:30pm nap
5:15pm solids
6:30pm bottle
7pm bed
10:30pm dreamfeed
settle him throughout the night and potential extra bottle.
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